Tuesday, April 15, 2003

sorry i havnt posted ne thing l8ly i have had to work full time and have finally found the big deal about budgets the only thing is i still have not yet found a reasonable way to have what i want and still save for a car and stuff like that. it's been really hard to i'm the only one in my group of friends with a full time job and the only time i have free is on the weekends which is most of the time when they are working. i have lost contact with people that i once called everyday just to say hi and i really miss them. i called a friend the other day for the first time in three weeks i had enough time to actually talk and all he said was i have a girlfriend now and the rest of the conversatin was so limited that i ended up giving up saying it wasn't worth pretending to be in each others lives anymore and told him i'd see him at the next social event we happen to both be invited to. i pains me to lose him but lets face it as we mature and begin to live in the real world we lose time for the innocent stuff that we as teenagers love to do you don't have time to spend hours on the phoneor just spontaniously decide that you want to go to the movies. not only do you not have the time but your more worried about where the money is coming from. you suddenly have bills to pay and big responsablities that you don't neseceraryly want but have to have to continue the path of life. one day you just wake up and think differently about your life and what your doing suddenly you have to think before you act u have to belive in something and your have to get up at 6 every morning to be at work on time and the only time you have free are the weekends but instead of going out and having fun you stay home and do washing ironing and clean the house so you can live in ti the next week you spend your sunday recouperating from the week before and getting ready for the week ahead an before you know it it's monday and you have to get up to go to work. no wonder adult never have much of a lifestyle unless they own their own business or a millionaries. i m just saying kids do wish to be older just wish to stay were you are when you happy.