Thursday, September 26, 2002

Nuthings wrong

why is it when some one asks you what wrong we always say nuthing...even though there is something that s been bugging you for weeks and you don't know what to do about it. I don't know weather it's just a personal thing that i do or if heaps of people do it but it's so stupid. i mean if you have a problem with someone you should discuss it,right???? But what do you do if you don't have the right to be pissed off about it??? what if the thing that your pissed off about happened before they knew you???? Do you still have the right to get upset, or do you just have to let it go??? the worst thing is being pissed off at them then feeling gulity for being pissed off at them cause what happened didn't concern you at the time it happened then the person in question bugging you trying to find out why you pissed off and you never wanted them to know your pissed off about what happened ages ago. The only reason you got pissed off in the first place was because you find out the extremly close "friendship" they have used to be a love relationship.

I know i don't have the right to be pissed off but god they could have told me be 4!!!!

p.s if you wondering the entry [9/25/2002 7:36:52 PM | Maddy Mushroom] was about this discussed topic.
A Poem BY ME


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